New manga 2018
New manga 2018

  1. NEW MANGA 2018 HOW TO


The director is just so good on how to build tension and also how to end every episode. The drama also knows how to play with our emotions. What I also like is the pacing it's very balanced which makes every episode engaging. This show is also grounded to reality in that every emotion these characters portray is very relatable. The plot is sensitive but the drama handled it tastefully, it is nowhere near as creepy as you might think. Their love is somewhat similar yet different. Side characters are interesting too especially Haraguchi and Shotaro, it's also interesting to see their love story develops. The characters are well written, Hijiri was portrayed really well as an inexperienced teacher, adult yet not matured, and also Akira as rebellious and confused teenager. There will be time skip in the middle of the drama, 3 years to be exact, when Akira is 18 years of age. The drama follows their story for the course of several years. are those stories being normalize just because they were made? If you are inclined to call it a trash just by reading the synopsis then I am sorry but with that kind of logic I just couldn't help but think you are DUMB.Ĭhugakusei Nikki portrays the forbidden love between Hijiri, a middle school teacher and Akira, one of her students.


Do those kids have parents to guide them? Then what about stories like Robin Hood, mistress protagonist, serial killer etc. As for the matter that it might affect the thinking of underage viewers. The drama won't make you feel they are romanticizing that idea. She's attracted to him but didn't take advantage in fact she was despised the whole time, the school, students and the society. Does this drama normalize that psychiatric disorder? BIG NO. I know most will not agree with that argument but let's say you are correct and she's a pedophile. My defense on that matter is you would only consider a person a pedophile if he/she is occasionally attracted to children which in this case she's not because she was not attracted to him because he's a child. The only concern I see people having with this drama is that they said it normalize pedophilia. "Don't judge the book by its cover" First let me start this review with a mini rant

New manga 2018